Old and Tired Synthetic Surface
Holbrook, Suffolk
Construction of new all weather porous surface tennis court.
Monk Soham, Woodbridge
Full installation of all-weather surface court
East Bergholt Tennis Club
Re-surface of single court and colour spray to block of three courts
Our Equipment
Over the winter months we have purchased a number of new pieces of equipment
Ardleigh, Essex
Full installation of all-weather surface court
Working closely with…….
Working closely with Tru7 for all our equipment hire and aggregate needs our apprentice
St. Cedd’s School, Chelmsford
Re-surface of Netball court and Rejuvenation of MUGA
Don’t Forget Your Extras!
Don’t forget your extras – You may need to consider a root barrier.
Trumpington, Cambridge
Re-surface following subsidence of MUGA